Reaching Out

GIGA were set the task of reaching out to somebody that is influencing our current project via email, asking what they would like to see in a portfolio. My project is heavily influenced by the Sad Ghost Club (TSGC), so I headed to their online shop and shot them an email.

I received a reply in the same day!

Sent (from me):


I am a student at PCA studying Illustration and my lecturer has set us the task of reaching out to a successful artist/company and ask what you would like to see in a portfolio. I know this is email account is more geared towards troubleshooting with your products (which I love!), but I can’t find another email to contact you with so I hope this is okay!

Essentially, I would love to know what is good to have in a portfolio, perhaps what you included in yours (I know Lize attended PCA too!), and if you had any tips and tricks for me 🙂

Thank you for your time!


Recieved (from Sad Ghost Club):

Hi Emma! Thanks for the email, Lize here! I’m not too sure what to suggest because from graduating to now I’ve never compiled a portfolio… My ultimate tip though, is SOCIAL MEDIA. Post as much as you can, especially what you’re currently working on, work in progress pics, stuff about you, after leaving I focused on improving my work and building a ‘following’ which meant when I started SGC I already had a cluster of the internet interested in what I was doing! Instagram is great, and tumblr is good but hard to get noticed on, tumblr really likes angsty stuff, and I found more success with ‘journal’ type work with lots of words (and swears, tumblr loves swear words hahah) and small spot illustrations. Social media is really good for finding the right ‘community’ as well, tell people you like their work and they’re likely to do the same, which helps with getting your name around!

Sorry i can’t offer more help!!
Good luck!!
Lize x

This response unfortunately did not completely answer my question, but did give me many tips on what to do beyond a portfolio. TSGC is a very influential and popular brand, so it is wonderful to have an insight into a brand that I am so very interested in.

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